Avatar Days from Piranha Bar on Vimeo.
The daily lives of four Dublin gamers contrast with their virtual identities. Sponsored by Fashion Optics
Avatar Days from Piranha Bar on Vimeo.
The daily lives of four Dublin gamers contrast with their virtual identities. Sponsored by Fashion Optics
Cross-fire from Studio Mrmann on Vimeo.
This is just soooo brilliant! The unseen affect of sound upon its inhabited environment directed by Geoffrey Mann! The audio sample you hear is from American Beauty! More info about this gem here Sponsored by Fashion Optics
Surface from Patrick Lawler on Vimeo.
A beautiful short love story by Patrick Lawler! ! Sponsored by Fashion Optics
The Hardest Jigsaw from Eric Anderson on Vimeo.
An awesome animation by Eric Anderson with lovely plot and very cute character design! Sponsored by Fashion Optics
we hear them cutting from Guilherme Marcondes on Vimeo.
An amazing poem by T.L. Kelly, directed and animated by Guilherme Marcondes and Andrezza Valentin! Just breathtaking! Sponsored by Fashion Optics
My Dad the Evil Genius from Benjamin Wigmore on Vimeo.
A very very cool animation created and directed by Benjamin Wigmore full of violence, darkness, evil robots, an electrified monkey and heart warming moments. In other words awesome! The music you hear is composed by Patrick Ytting ! Sponsored by Fashion Optics
IRON BABY from Patrick Boivin on Vimeo.
Another wicked animation by Patrick Boivin! This time an incredible parody of Iron Man! Patrick never fails to impress me with his work! Sponsored by Fashion Optics