octopus steals my video camera and swims off with it (while it’s Recording) from Victor Huang on Vimeo.
Awesome underwater footage from an Octopus thief 🙂 What an incredible moment to capture on film!
octopus steals my video camera and swims off with it (while it’s Recording) from Victor Huang on Vimeo.
Awesome underwater footage from an Octopus thief 🙂 What an incredible moment to capture on film!
“birds” (pleix) from pleix on Vimeo.
This dates a year back but it is still beautiful to watch! Nope its not about birds… its all about cute dogs and electro music! It definitely sounds and looks better than the famous pedigree dogs! Plus I think it aired first 🙂 The song you hear is by VITALIC – PONEY PART1 directed by Pleix! Enjoy
Born To Be Dead (2010) from Amit Tishler on Vimeo.
A cool animation by Amit Tishler about a cute little girl is banished from heaven straight into the fires of Hell! Enjoy 🙂
Relationships are hard 🙂 Brought to you by www.studiojoho.com
“City” official Trailer European Short Film Festival 2010 from Simon Reichenbach on Vimeo.
This is the awesome official trailer for the European Short Film Festival 2010 directed by Simon Reichenbach!
Mega Robot Smelly Finger 1080p from KaktusFilm on Vimeo.
A hilarious spoof on an internet classic by the Kaktus Film Team! Make also sure that you check the also magnificent Mega Robot Rampage below! Lovely stuff 🙂
Mega Robot Rampage from KaktusFilm on Vimeo.
Gravité from Renaud Hallée on Vimeo.
Have you ever imagined that falling objects can be synchronized to produce rhythm! Well Renaud Hallée did just that and the result is incredible!