Old Joe hates sunny days. from yogo costa on Vimeo.
A cute animation by yogo costa!
Old Joe hates sunny days. from yogo costa on Vimeo.
A cute animation by yogo costa!
Cool work by Ogilvy, Paris, France for IBM! Via ibelieveinadv
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson!
The holy awesomeness of Robin 🙂 Via digitalcortex
Real Estate – Pool Swimmers from Chocolate Bobka on Vimeo.
A lovely song by Real Estate! The video was filmed and edited by C. Axel!! Enjoy 🙂
Angus & Julia Stone directed by by Kiku Ohe! Lovely stuff!
Smart digital advertising by McDonald’s, who’ve just created a branded farm on Farmville in a special one day event. Via digital Buzz