Flying Lotus – Kill Your Co-Workers from beeple on Vimeo.
The Flying Lotus, directed by beeple!Freaking awesome and yes I find the title of the song totally inspiring 🙂
Flying Lotus – Kill Your Co-Workers from beeple on Vimeo.
The Flying Lotus, directed by beeple!Freaking awesome and yes I find the title of the song totally inspiring 🙂
If you are a World of Warcraft fan … you are so going to love this!! A sneak peek of what is set to take place in Cataclysm, the third expansion set! Great stuff
James Blake – Limit To Your Love from James Blake on Vimeo.
Video for James Blake’s track ‘Limit To Your Love‘. Directed by Martin de Thurah! A big thanks to Ben for bringing this awesome song to my attention 🙂
plumbum from a-li-ce on Vimeo.
A wonderful animated video created by a-li-ce for Piemont!! This is sooooo coool
What works and what doesn’t ! A very informative presentation by AdNerds, Proximity BBDO’s radical digital division!
via saying images
Fischerspooner – Emerge from Jon Kane on Vimeo.
A bit old but still very amazing to watch and still very rad ! Fischerspooner directed and edited by Jon Kane. What a brilliant song 🙂