An interesting presentation by Aki Spicer from Fallon! If you are a digital planner make sure you check this out! Apps are on the rise 🙂
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The Boy
The Boy – Tom Rosenthal from sam wilson on Vimeo.
This is just magical ! A wonderful song by Tom Rosenthal and a stunning animated video by Sam Wilson! Perfection!
How Ink Is Made
A Chief Ink Maker shows how colour and ink is created from the raw ingredients–powder, varnish, and passion. Everything designers and printers need to know about the process, the challenges and joy of ink making. More about this here
How Ink Is Made
A Chief Ink Maker shows how colour and ink is created from the raw ingredients–powder, varnish, and passion. Everything designers and printers need to know about the process, the challenges and joy of ink making. More about this here
How Ink Is Made was originally published on The Curious Brain
Aspirins – Cutter from Alex Harrison on Vimeo.
Aspirins directed by Mr. Harrison! Lovely sound and a very colourful video for you to see!