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This is just hypnotizing!Part of Slow Motion – A Visual Mixtape curated and!  The lovely music  you hear and the original collage belong to Monster Rall

A crazy good animated music video for WaveRider! Created by Serge Tardif

Grannies to the rescue to get the message across! Done by Mortierbrigade Brussels advertising agency! See the original Satisfaction by Benny Benassi below

Pair of Kings

Zeke and Luther

I’m in the Band

Suite Life

From Saggyarmpit an independent designer and illustrator based in Singapore who amazed us all with her famous parkour motion reel come these lovely animated Disney ID’s!! Brilliant, impressive work as always and so very unique !!

Another fantastic music video for Hermanos Inglesos created by Kristof Luyckx! Great stuff

Noam Galai’s photography was stolen hundreds of times for years without his knowledge. This is his story! Video created by FStoppers more info about this here

For the PRE-SAFE® precrash system from Mercedes-Benz made a chaotic traffic intersections safer. Everybody was able to look around the corners into the streets as if the walls were transparent, and could therefore detect potential hazards in time to avoid them. Way cool ! Via the digital buzz

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