This is a short documentary shot during Cannes Film Festival 2011 by Paul Trillo! It tells the story of Béla a street performer who travels through the south of France with his cats. An affable character who has a real passion for what he does!! What a bizarre life his must be living
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Breakbot – Fantasy (Feat. Ruckazoid) directed by Mike Simpson!! Way way cool and very summery
In the shadows
A wonderful film noir with shadows created by Fabrice Mathieu! The plot goes like this …A shadow is telling its life story with his “Wearer”, a flesh and bone double, who one day it decides to get rid of! This project is looking for producers so in case you are on pls contact Fabrice Mathieu here
Béla: L’Homme Chat
This is a short documentary shot during Cannes Film Festival 2011 by Paul Trillo! It tells the story of Béla a street performer who travels through the south of France with his cats. An affable character who has a real passion for what he does!! What a bizarre life his must be living
Digitalism: Fritz dj mix
To get fans excited for the new album, Digitalism “I Love You, Dude” that will be out June 20th they have prepared an awesome dance mix for all their fans! The mix is available to download and besides their music it also features tracks from Metronomy, Deadmau5, Grauzone and many others!! So if you are into dance music make sure that you download this from soundcloud its quite brilliant
The Business of Giving
Giving and sharing have replaced the taking!! More companies should follow this via socialcast
Breakbot – Fantasy (Feat. Ruckazoid) directed by Mike Simpson!! Way way cool and very summery