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Explore the world of vibrations at 1,000 frames per second. Directed by Propadata Films. More slow motion here! Via lenkendall
In this Big Think interview, Susan Lyne, CEO of Gilt Groupe identifies three key trends, as follows:Curation, the convergence of editorial and commerce and Game Dynamics

via kissmetric & socialmediagraphics
Spreading across the internet like a wildfire! Lessons for brands …besides kittens to get your viral going, we can now also make fun of Lady Gaga! Music video performed by “Weird Al” Yankovic

From 2012 onwards if you live in US these will be the warnings that you will find on the packaging of your cigarette packs. I soooo need to quit smoking! Via buzzfeed

The very interesting art of Joe Fenton! Go get inspired here
Down, come on …down, come on…more energy.. hahhah too good not to share 🙂 Its so going to become a summer hit!! Director from 1977 footage George Butler. Redit by Alanedit! The song will be available 12th July 2011 by future classic ….

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