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Midwife/Middle School Science Teacher | San Antonio, TX | 3-Person Household (including dog) | First week after deciding to eat all local produce.

Carpenter/Photographer | San Antonio, TX | 3-Person Household | 12 Point Buck shot on family property.

Bar Tender | San Antonio, TX | 1-Person Household | Goes to sleep at 8AM and wakes up at 4PM daily

Street Advertiser | San Antonio, TX | 1-Person Household | Lives on $432 fixed monthly income.

College Students| Waco, TX | 3-Person Household | Drummer for death metal band.

Botanist | Ft. Wayne, IN | 1-Person Household | Feels more comfortable among flora and fauna of his era than people

Disabled | Marathon,TX | 2-Person Household | Weighed 390lbs earlier this year.

Community Volunteer | San Angelo, TX | 1-Person Household | Completely blind and lives alone.

You Are What You Eat is a series of portraits made by examining the interiors of refrigerators in homes across the United States. For three years Mark Menjivar traveled around the country exploring food issues. A refrigerator is both a private and a shared space. Each fridge is photographed “as is”. Nothing added, nothing taken away. Go get inspired here

via the nextweb and visual loop

Ron Gutman reviews a raft of studies about smiling, and reveals some surprising results. Did you know your smile can be a predictor of how long you’ll live — and that a simple smile has a measurable effect on your overall well-being

Even Björk goes digital these days! Björk: Biophilia app allows you to purchase the first song from the album!The intro is narrated by David Attenborough and Cosmogony, is already installed in the app that you can download from here ! Check below also below her live performance of Biophilia project with tesla coils at MIF

Midwife/Middle School Science Teacher | San Antonio, TX | 3-Person Household (including dog) | First week after deciding to eat all local produce.

Carpenter/Photographer | San Antonio, TX | 3-Person Household | 12 Point Buck shot on family property.

Bar Tender | San Antonio, TX | 1-Person Household | Goes to sleep at 8AM and wakes up at 4PM daily

Street Advertiser | San Antonio, TX | 1-Person Household | Lives on $432 fixed monthly income.

College Students| Waco, TX | 3-Person Household | Drummer for death metal band.

Botanist | Ft. Wayne, IN | 1-Person Household | Feels more comfortable among flora and fauna of his era than people

Disabled | Marathon,TX | 2-Person Household | Weighed 390lbs earlier this year.

Community Volunteer | San Angelo, TX | 1-Person Household | Completely blind and lives alone.

You Are What You Eat is a series of portraits made by examining the interiors of refrigerators in homes across the United States. For three years Mark Menjivar traveled around the country exploring food issues. A refrigerator is both a private and a shared space. Each fridge is photographed “as is”. Nothing added, nothing taken away. Go get inspired here

This is the second time I actually post Tiago Costa’s work ! In fact one of his illustration is my lap top’s wallpaper… maybe this is why! I simply love his work 🙂

Get ready to fight the face of horror itself, Freddy Krueger, in the final Mortal Kombat DLC!! I think all gamers will definitely love this!

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