Midwife/Middle School Science Teacher | San Antonio, TX | 3-Person Household (including dog) | First week after deciding to eat all local produce.
Carpenter/Photographer | San Antonio, TX | 3-Person Household | 12 Point Buck shot on family property.
Bar Tender | San Antonio, TX | 1-Person Household | Goes to sleep at 8AM and wakes up at 4PM daily
Street Advertiser | San Antonio, TX | 1-Person Household | Lives on $432 fixed monthly income.
College Students| Waco, TX | 3-Person Household | Drummer for death metal band.
Botanist | Ft. Wayne, IN | 1-Person Household | Feels more comfortable among flora and fauna of his era than people
Disabled | Marathon,TX | 2-Person Household | Weighed 390lbs earlier this year.
Community Volunteer | San Angelo, TX | 1-Person Household | Completely blind and lives alone.
You Are What You Eat is a series of portraits made by examining the interiors of refrigerators in homes across the United States. For three years Mark Menjivar traveled around the country exploring food issues. A refrigerator is both a private and a shared space. Each fridge is photographed “as is”. Nothing added, nothing taken away. Go get inspired here