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A short history of the evolution of search, highlighting some of the most important milestones from the past decade—and a taste of what’s coming next from Google

The story of my life 🙁 A big thanks to Suvi for bringing this to my attention! More Dilbert here

A journey from home to work as seen through the filter of the conscious and subconscious mind by Jonathan Hodgson! This cool little video makes use of moving collages and painterly animation combined with live-action footage!Great stuff

A brilliant piece of animation that urgently needs a translation directed by Juan Delcan. It was commissioned by The Chilenian TV Network Chilevision. It won the1st Prize Asifa 2011.
A short history of the evolution of search, highlighting some of the most important milestones from the past decade—and a taste of what’s coming next from Google

The beats are hard. the synths are sick. the vocals are sweet ..epic noise by the Purity Ring! Pls note that the video contains nudity so viewer discretion is advised!

The story of my life 🙁 A big thanks to Suvi for bringing this to my attention! More Dilbert here

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