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A stunning timelapse of Japan from suishu ikeda

yeah right ๐Ÿ™ via wasted rita

This is Colin is a dark and funny film about a man who very suddenly realizes that he hated everything in his life and everything that he knew, including his pet goldfish Vivian. Being on a packed train heading to work brought up this sudden realization, this incredibly irritating journey slowly building up a rage in Colin and allowed madness to temporally overcome him. Pls note that contains some strong language and some comical cartoon nudity. Created by perrie murphy

A blog all about kitties and bullshit

While the pig is being dragged out from the sty it has the chance to see the sky. Animation by Simone Mass

The work of Fiddle Oak a 14 years old photographer! Via cuded

Fresh from the oven LAMAR+NIK direct Pixies

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