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Just great! Batman Stop Motion Intro (1966) created by Kyle Roberts·

~ written/recorded by the very wonderful emily reo A big thanks @yvynyl for bringing this to my attention

via coverbrowser

After years of investigation, a group of European scientists had discovered that the vulgarly called ‘arseholes’ are actually suffering a genetic mutation that conditions their behaviour. This discovering had opened a door to end with the unfair stigmatization of this group of patients. Understanding how the disease works is the first step to the cure, but there’s a lot of work to do before that moment arrives, including informing the citizenship about its existence. Because arseholes… are just sick people. via neatoroma

Brand new from Glasser . A big thanks @jimmy_morris for bringing this to my attention

A collection of memorable falling scenes in cinema and TV by Plot Point Productions

Temples directed by Abbie stephens! Great stuff

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