

Can you hear me now?

Can the Ad Industry Beat the Black Market in Ad Fraud?

Those who can, do. Those who can’t, hold meetings

About time Consumer trust in traditional advertising declines in UK, finds Nielsen research

Google reveals new tools to help brands reach specific customers and push new apps

Brands must be in pocket – or risk being out of it – when it comes to mobile

The rise of brands as media owners is the big fear among publishers that hardly anybody is talking about

The power of play: using mobile games to power up your marketing strategy

Your Facebook profile picture could soon be a video instead

Sir Martin Sorrell: Clients can’t treat agencies as banks or insurers

Adblock Plus turns to the very industries it has harmed to ask for help

YouTube launches ad formats that will turn the video sharing site into a ‘digital showroom’

Study reveals how public perception of Volkswagen changed throughout scandal

Are the days of myth-making in alcohol advertising numbered?

Google’s Cell Service Could Snare All the Major Carriers

Now you can buy even more shit ! YouTube Will Let You Buy Stuff You See in Anyone’s Videos

and even more shit…just buy all the time the economy is bad it depends on you Twitter is rolling out more ‘Buy Now’ buttons to your timeline

VW Probably Won’t Die—But if It Does, Europe Is in Trouble

Now you can rate each other just like you do products apps etc Peeple’s app isn’t out yet and it’s already hated

Twitter is reportedly ditching the 140 character limit

Social Ad Spending Predicted to Grow to $24.2 Billion by 2016

How Has Social Media, Mobile Technology Affected Teens’ Dating Lives?

Just install it !Internet Users Don’t Care About the Impact of Ad Blocking on Businesses

Some news about the wankers you all know A big investment-banking business is a horror show, and traders are trying to get out

Psychiatrists use an old trick to get people to trust them with their secrets — and it works just as well in business

oups! Germany racist again, say Eurocrats

Be smarter in your next meeting


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