
Search results for so small

The Decelerator Helmet is a experimental approach for dealing with our fast moving society. The sense of vision is consigned to an apparatus which allows the user a perception of the world in slow motion. The inside of the helmet the video-signal of a camera is processed by a small computer. The slowed-down images are displayed right before the user’s eyes via a head-mounted display and are simultaneously shown on a monitor on the outside. The helmet has three different modes which can be selected by a remote control

very very awesome and brilliant although its a bit small for a song! By ODESZA’s MINI TRENDS from

In a world of global hyper-consumption and creative destruction, there are now more consumer trends than you can swing a stick at. Here’s just a small selection of ‘mini’ consumer and business trends that are currently on’ radar

Lovely soothing sounds by YOUNG & SICK! A big thanks @jimmy_morris for bringing this song to my attention

The brilliant art of Malika Favre. Make sure that you also check this wonderful commercial that I have posted a few days ago!

The brilliant art of Malika Favre. Make sure that you also check this wonderful commercial that I have posted a few days ago!

For more than four decades now, Jeffrey Deitch has been a major player in the US art scene. The dealer, advisor, writer and exhibition organizer started his career in the New York of the 70s when the art community was still very small. In this talk explains about what avant-garde can be these days. “One of the most interesting things about art today,” he says, “is the changing status of the avant-garde. (…). Very interesting talk from the the avant garde diaries. You can find more interesting talks here and their facebook fan page is packed with interesting behind the scenes material

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