Your mortal enemy has captured you and hooked you up to a bizarre experiment. He’s extended your nervous system with one very long neuron to a target about 70 meters away. At some point, he’s going to fire an arrow. If you can then think a thought to the target before the arrow hits it, he’ll let you go. So who wins that race? Seena Mathew examines the speed of thought. [
The Bill Jennings Mysteries
Meet Bill Jennings of Newbury, Vermont. A man of unique thoughts and powers. Direction & Animation: Alan Jennings
Good Intentions
In this small thriller about decision making and guilt, a young woman responsible for a car accident. She escapes the scene but can’t stop thinking, or imagining, what happened to the other driver. And soon strange things starts to happen… By Anna Mantzaris
things my therapist told me!

One step at a time!

Lady thoughts!

BAVURE – Brush stroke
Animation short film by Donato Sansone