
In moments of agitation, personal and nation-wide, what would often best calm us down are not pills or meditation – but the right works of art. Here are seven of the world’s most calming works of art, works that know how to restore perspective, reassure us of the future and gently return us to a more bearable state.


A mountain separating two lakes. A room papered floor to ceiling with bridal satins. The lid of an immense snuffbox. These seemingly unrelated images take us on a tour of a sperm whale’s head in Herman Melville’s “Moby Dick.” Though the book features pirates, typhoons, high-speed chases, and giant squid, it’s anything but a conventional seafaring adventure. Sascha Morrell digs into the classic novel. [Directed by Martina Meštrović, narrated by Adrian Dannatt, music by Stephen LaRosa].


Idioms are weird. By Nathan Boey

just feel… by Raphaël Bluzet


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