
At The Park-A Color Correction Test from Brandon sloan on Vimeo.

I love this video especially its beginning!! I think it captures the essence of youth and has such a good vibe! The amazing song that you hear is Going To California by Led Zeppelin

At The Park was originally published on The Curious Brain


I have just stumbled upon this awesome website the vintage ad browser and boy I was impressed! It has a massive collection of ads   that dates back to 1910!  Look how weird some of them are …others are probably illegal nowadays! Its nice to learn from the past ( and not to repeat the same mistakes)  so if you have some time to spend make sure that you check it out! More vintage ads here

This is how it works 🙂 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson!

The Brute Chorus – Could This Be Love? from XXXVIII on Vimeo.

Music video for East London band ‘The Brute Chorus’ and their new single ‘Could This Be Love?’ What refreshing sound these guys have! Very interesting to say the least!

By the awesome Gorillaz! You can find this song in their new album Plastic Beach!  Expect this to spread on the Internet like a wildfire

Google Chrome continues to invest in creative advertising! This is their latest instalment about Chrome’s extensions! The song you hear is by Fats Waller – (Do You Intend to Put an End To) A Sweet Beginning Like This.

Being a genuinely good brand in 2010 takes more than a widely used product and an ubiquitous global presence according PSFK! Read all about in the very informative presentation!

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