
JESS3 / The State of The Internet from Jesse Thomas on Vimeo.

Awesome graphics and cool stats about the state of the internet!  Designed by Christopher Lee and animated by JESS3 ! It reminds me a bit the ” Did you know Shift Happens” series but it is still very lovely and very informative to watch 🙂

By Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson

Whitest Boy Alive – Golden Cage from Modular People on Vimeo.

“Golden Cage” by Whitest Boy Alive featuring hand-drawn animation from Geoff McFetridge. Lovely stuff

projection animation test from reanimatr on Vimeo.

This looks simply amazing I only wish I could tell you more about it than a “fantastic projection animation test” 🙁

By Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson

RUMSPRINGA // “Minds Awake” from Cantora Records on Vimeo.

Since yesterday I have fallen in love with this electrifying and addictive song by RUMSPRINGA! Simply incredible! Their amazing music video was directed by Shia Labeouf ! Enjoy 🙂

If Xbox is behind this then it is an absolutely brilliant piece of viral advertising! If not it is still very  fun to watch 🙂

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