
Search results for color

Jack Daniel’s “Label Story”: “Proud” from Brand New School on Vimeo.

Lovely animated work for Jack Daniel’s  by Arnold! Daniel’s “Label Story”: “Proud” from Brand New School on Vimeo.

Lovely animated work for Jack Daniel’s  by Arnold!

Jack Daniel’s “Label Story”: “Proud” was originally published on The Curious Brain

Drawing in Mixed Reality from Marcel van Heist on Vimeo.

An awesome new platform that “mixes hand-drawing with digital features by projecting a digital layer on top of sketches” Impressive or what? Designed & developed for the ConceptLab !

FLUID FORM from Matt Pringle on Vimeo.

You should definitely spend some time to watch this …it is so poetic beautiful!! Music: Tryad – Waltz Into The Moonlight.

Drawing in Mixed Reality from Marcel van Heist on Vimeo.

An awesome new platform that “mixes hand-drawing with digital features by projecting a digital layer on top of sketches” Impressive or what? Designed & developed for the ConceptLab !

Drawing in Mixed Reality was originally published on The Curious Brain

iPhone Home Cinema from LOG on Vimeo.

This is an awesome widescreen video experiment on 3 syncronised iPhones! Enjoy 🙂

_grau | 10:01 min | d 2004 | HD premiere from Robert Seidel on Vimeo.

_grau is an award-winning experimental film “a personal reflection on memories coming up during a car accident, where past events emerge, fuse, erode and finally vanish ethereally” Amazing just that!!!!

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