
Search results for color

Polling random people can be “incredibly useful as a persuasive attempt to tell people what to do,” but not really as a way to find out information as Dan Ariely argues!

An interesting presentation by Nick Campbell creator of the grayscalegorilla

“Conductor by Alexander Chen turns the New York subway system into an interactive string instrument. Pulling from the MTA

Photographs do more than document history — they make it. Jonathan Klein of Getty Images shows some of the most iconic, and talks about what happens when a generation sees an image so powerful it can’t look away — or back!

Failure is a terrible thing, but there’s no other way for people to learn how to do most things except to screw up enough until the point where they get better at it Robert Sutton argues!

If Social Media is the breakthrough development of Web 2.0, what is next in search for Web 3.0 and beyond? Peter Diamandis speculates on the evolution of search in the age of Artificial Intelligence and robotics.

Azure Ray performs ‘november’ live at the hi dive in denver, colorado!! What an amazing voice this girl has so beautiful and soothing!! Video by describe the fauna!! Enjoy 🙂

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