
Posts from the packaging design Category

Designed by Kazuaki Kawahara! Via packagingoftheworld's THE FUTURE OF CUSTOMER SERVICE from

Five trends that will redefine great service in 2015 and beyond according to

Forget everything you know about social media from Gregory Pouy

Since the appearance of Social Media, and the relative empowerment of the consumer, we’ve been trying to tell marketers they can have visibility for free.
Just like magic… Since this year, you can read everywhere that Earned Media is dead, that Facebook’s Edgerank for brands is almost 0… Oh, and by the way, Facebook may soondisappear and Twitter will never spread to John and Jane Doe… In others words, it’s all been a big misunderstanding. A very interesting presentation by @gregfromparis

by wichoria

Created by Constantin Bolimond Via packagingoftheworld

Celebrity souls placed in a stylish mason jar to keep it fresh and out of trouble. Brought to you by SoulsRUs. Via

Great packaging design for wines! Does anybody know who is behind them? via Mona Eltahawy

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