
Posts from the trends Category

Do you remember The Most Useless Machine EVER? Well now the Useless Machine has a Lego prototype! Its completely useless and and its made out of Lego parts 🙂

The new Apple Ipad sure looks dreamy and here is Steve Job’s official presentation

See the Apple presentation video here
The Walt Sassafras Mosspuppet bring you the very first hands-on review of Apple’s brand new Ipad below check it out!

The expanded collection of insights and ideas on digital marketing activities” – focusing on leveraging new consumer/media/digital trends by Helge Tennø,

The 2010 youth trends according to Graham Brown! If you handling a youth brand make sure you read them!

This seems quite fun and it should be amazing to play with 🙂 More info about this amazing guitar here

Drawing in Mixed Reality from Marcel van Heist on Vimeo.

An awesome new platform that “mixes hand-drawing with digital features by projecting a digital layer on top of sketches” Impressive or what? Designed & developed for the ConceptLab !

iPhone Home Cinema from LOG on Vimeo.

This is an awesome widescreen video experiment on 3 syncronised iPhones! Enjoy 🙂

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