Created for Pulse Film’s the ABC’s of Lockdown – a challenge where each of their directors was given a letter and the theme of Quarantine. By Winston Hacking
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Crushed In Space
he Asteroid Belt
An unrequited romance
They are coworkers.
Written, Directed, & Animated by Janice Chun.
In a veritable firework display of digital self portraits, hundreds of quaint, embarrassing and dread-fully disturbing selfies were arranged in a unique short film composition. By Claudius Gentinetta
Quaranteen – A tale of confinement
Puberty is a peculiar time, characterised by enormous changes, insecurities and questionable choices. Now imagine if you add a global virus to the mix. By FAVO Studio
by Dirk Koy
Cockroach Carnival
A scary little animation created using pencil and paper by Einar Baldvin
Pills and capsules are choreographed into a cacophony of shape, color and size, resulting in a satirical commentary about our cultural, recreational, and economic infatuation with prescription drugs.
Animated by Patrick Smith
Produced by Kaori Ishida
Percussion by Steve Rice