A short anime depicting the revenge of a certain samurai by Susumu Yamaguchi
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What is Consciousness?
Where is it? Can it be measured? Replicated? Created? Marcus du Sautoy puzzles the problem of consciousness.
Brain imagining techniques have shown that our minds work differently when we’re asleep compared to when we’re awake, conscious vs. unconscious. Integrated information theory attempts to measure how conscious a system is using mathematical formulae. Could maths answer the question about what consciousness is or do we need to look to philosophy?
This animation was produced by Diana Gradinaru for The Royal Institution of Great Britain
Animal Alphabet
by Taili Wu
Paroles d’Amour
The fruit of a broken heart and endless binging on Italian romantic comedies, “Paroles d’Amour” (French for words of love) is the very first collaboration between Chiara Luber and Passion Paris. The film, which was directed in full 2D, recounts the romantic setbacks of a carefree, naive and fickle young heroine.
The Dot We Share
Carl Sagan, the astronomer of the people strived to untangle the subtle complexities of modern physics and present them to the everyday audience. He believed that in a world where knowledge was available freely to every person seeking it. This is an excerpt from his famous speech “The Pale Blue Dot” when Nasa, upon a suggestion from Sagan, presented the world with the furthest photograph taken of the Earth. Animated by Vishal Varghese
by Anna Ginsburg
How to Make a Rainbow
Observed over the course of two years, How to Make a Rainbow is the story of a young girl and her mother, as they move together through transitions of home, identity and name. By Maxey Fish