Sophocles once said, “nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse,” and this couldn’t be more true of technology. This video has been shortlisted for YouTube Play! Written by Tiffany Shlain & Ken Goldberg and narrated by Peter Coyote! Wow just wow!!
Archive for
Plans get complex
The budget for this video was $6. It’s just Ben Gibbard (the lead singer of Death Cab for Cutie and The Postal Service) fooling around in London. This is from his other project the all time quarter back! Via brand new colony
Image of the day
Via I can read
Where good ideas come from?
A fascinating TED TALK by Steven Johnson! Make sure you check this out if you can spare a min
Eliot Lee Hazel
Eliot Lee Hazel can sure capture a moment! His portfolio is packed with dream like photography! Go get inspired here
Par Avion
FM Belfast: Par Avion from Torfi Frans Olafsson on Vimeo.
Music video to the song “Par Avion” of FM Belfast created by Torfi Frans Olafsson. Although it dates a few years back it still sounds and looks amazing! Enjoy ๐
Thrush from Gabriel Bisset-Smith on Vimeo.
An entire relationship told through photos in four minutes.Directed by Gabriel Bisset-Smith and Graham Turner! Currently a vimeo awards finalist