This is not the Future from oneedo on Vimeo.
Music Video for the lo-fi Casionova by oneedo! Great stuff
This is not the Future from oneedo on Vimeo.
Music Video for the lo-fi Casionova by oneedo! Great stuff
Motion Typography: Rocky Balboa Inspirational Speech from Kyle Kargov on Vimeo.
Motion typography by Kyle Kargov based on Rocky Balboa’s advice to his son! Way cool 🙂
Transit riders in New York and New Jersey can now pay their fare by simply holding their Visa payWave-enabled mobile phone near the designated reader at the fare gate.Very cool! Via johnsonlab
A Sunny Day in Glasgow – So bloody, so tight from mis ojos discos on Vimeo.
This is freaking amazing! A Sunny Day in Glasgow directed by Bob Weisz
hahhaha 🙂
via Stuart Hodgson
RSA Animate-Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us from The RSA on Vimeo.
Daniel Pink provides concrete examples of how intrinsic motivation functions both at home and in the workplace.