A stunning animation based on a true legend of the famous unsolved code by Andrew S Allen! More info about this here
Archive for
The Face
Director Peter Sluszka & agency Agency H in Paris takes us on a fantastical pixilation road trip in a spot for the C3 from Citroen! The song the driver sings to is a remix of Hit the Road Jack, made popular by Ray Charles.
Back & Spine
Really cool noise from Kasper Bjorke’s debut album In Gumbo featuring the awesome Icelandic duo FM BELFAST from a few years back. Video animated and made by Katrine G and Jacob Bue!! Great stuff
Your Life Is A Transmedia Experience
How to Solve Creative Blocks
People have trouble living creatively when they don
The Creation
A cute, short, animated film by Studio FILM BILDER, that depicts the creation of the world through playful images that draw parallels with the creative process associated with art!! Directed and animated by Thomas Meyer-Hermann
The Beat Generation
A timeless song by Bob McFadden and Dor animated and directed by Dan Meth!! So very good!! If you like to find more about the beat generation click here