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Google has partnered with CERN, LEGO, National Geographic and Scientific American to create a new kind of online global science competition more info at

The Limousines directed by Mathieu Wothke! What a cool innovative music video!! Simply genial!

Remember boys and girls sharing is caring ! via lenkendall

A wonderful fan made video by Alvaro Chacon for one of my favourites songs by the Autolux!! Great stuff

A striking animation by YAWNSTAR premiered at GIRAF Animation Festival in Calgary 2010. What a brilliant animation style these guys have!!

Facebook Brand Pages For Dummies

View more presentations from Soap Creative.

A road-tested ’cheat sheet‘ for quick wins on your Facebook page by Soap Creative

The wonderful sound of Late Of The Pier directed by Steve Glashier & Sam Potter!! Superb..listen at full blast !

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