This is the latest instalment of the Story of Stuff Project! The Story of Citizens United v. FEC, an exploration of the inordinate power that corporations exercise in our democracy
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The title gives everything away ! A lovely animation by Mike Roush! Music by Justin Ridge
Image of the day
via quoteskin
Wael Ghonim: Inside the Egyptian revolution
Wael Ghonim is the Google executive who helped jumpstart Egypt’s democratic revolution … with a Facebook page memorializing a victim of the regime’s violence. Speaking at TEDxCairo, he tells the inside story of the past two months, when everyday Egyptians showed that “the power of the people is stronger than the people in power.”
ABLUTIONS from Patrick deWitt on Vimeo.
Animated notes for a novel. A novel by Patrick deWitt! Ablutions is his first novel.
How To Dance Like Thom Yorke
Check your yourself against the Lotus flower video here via buzzfeed and lenkendall
Chain of Fools : Upgrading through every version of windows
and this is why everybody should change to mac:-)