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The sound of Moss is hard to pin down, taking cues from a rich musical tapestry but always focussing on a finely honed song writing craft. Moss is: Marien Dorleijn, Finn Kruyning, Bob Gibson, Jasper Verhulst, Michiel Stam! Video by Lars Steenhoff! Great stuff

Cool new song by Kitten! The rad video you see was directed by Bryan Schlam! Great stuff

Now you can replace the boring “post its” at work with these cool get the hint stickers! Simply genial! They cost 6$ and you can buy them fromhere Via design fetish and thisisntthappinnes!

Cameron Adams – Definitive Daft Punk by thecuriousbrain

If you read this blog you probably already know that I have a thing for mash ups! “Mashups is the art of mixing multiple songs into one continuous song, is a subtle art. When a mashup is done well, you often can’t hear all of the different songs merging into one, because it’s so fluid. Cameron Adams, aka The Man in Blue, visualizes his own mashup Definitive Daft Punk, to show just what goes into the piece” So click the image above and see the whole process you can even download his amazing mash up song for free !! Via flowingdata

hahahhaha oh bless the 80s for this amazing little clip taken the 1989 movie Teen Witch 🙂 This totally made my day I cant stop laughing! Via lenkendall