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Part of the world’s most watched Social Media video series; “Social Media Revolution” by Erik Qualman. Based on #1 International Best Selling Book Socialnomics by Erik Qualman. This is a shorter version that includes new social media statistics for 2011. A big thanks to John for dropping this one over

Although overtly ‘about sex’, the film by by marc silver is really about what individual freedom means. Initially inspired by a video art installation, the piece reveals the complexities of pornography, old age and individual choices. Music by Michael Nyman!! Pls note it contains nudity

A photoblog of strange black & white photos that you should definitely check! Very very interesting

“ In a time where the world is ever more connected and unbordered, Marc Silver considers whether crowds are a force for oppression, or a potential for resistance. ‘There are no others, there is only us’ is a powerful visual metaphor illustrating the nature of collaboration and the power of crowds, with music composed by producer Ben Frost.” Great stuff

Cool new song and video by Portugal. The Man directed by Michael Ragen!! Sooooooo good ..Enjoy 🙂

Part of the world’s most watched Social Media video series; “Social Media Revolution” by Erik Qualman. Based on #1 International Best Selling Book Socialnomics by Erik Qualman. This is a shorter version that includes new social media statistics for 2011. A big thanks to John for dropping this one over

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