An animated series about Woody Allen, octopuses and random elements. Created by Shirley Hernández and Tomás Pichardo-Espaillat. Animated by Tomás Pichardo-Espaillat. Check them all the episodes here
Archive for
Gender Differences in Mobile Shopping Activities
via kenburbary and business insider
Doom And Gloom
Brand new from the Rolling Stones! A big thanks to John Pap for bringing this to my attention
Pushing Buttons & Pulling Triggers: Using Psychology to Connect with People and Create Value
Everyday marketers, designers and product managers create things that are intended to elicit a response from people. Whether that response is purchasing a product, reading and sharing a message, or clicking through on a website, understanding what makes people tick is critical to getting the desired response! Interesting thoughts by Kelsey Ruger
Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around.
via thisisindexed . More calvin here
Nitro Warriors
A super-charged Ford Mustang is under hot pursuit by the law and throws them off its tail one by one, but it may have met its match when it comes up against mysterious black police Chevy Corvette.. Way way cool! Created by Vanguard Pictures
Time To Go
Wax Tailor feat Aloe Blacc! The tale of a crotchet quadropus, who journeys throughout the land turning things blue made By ‘Oh Yeah Wow’! Great stuff