If you work in an office you will find this to be totally relevant. A wonderful animation by Hoji Tsuchiya
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If you are into skateboarding you are going to fall in love with this one! Directed by Jan Minol
Humans Are Disgusting
Are you human?? Then you are disgusting! Created by Aaron Rogers
From I to I
Set in China, ‘From I to I’ combines animation and film to stretch and warp the paradigms of the spoken word in cinema. Directed and animated by Christopher Holloran
The Dream – Can’t Wait to Hate You
I would never thought that I would post a Mariah Carey song in this blog but this Jerome LOL Edit is superb!!! A big thanks @yvynyl for bringing this to my attension
We, the connected generation
Very interesting thoughts by David Shing at TEDxAthens 2012
Fingers Fall
Press the full screen button and enjoy:-) Lovely sounds by Life & Limb the collaboration between Andrea Mangia of Lecce, Italy and Mike McGuire of New York! Directed by David Echeverria.