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A bunch of animals hide in the darkness of the night, motivated by their very own instinct, not feeling menaced by anything or anyone. But a light disturbs their peaceful rest, they feel troubled when their land is invaded and everything becomes unexpected. The Sun rises, the animals leave, the sun light baths the land and we keep wandering around, not knowing where and when we are and nothing matters anymore.
Directed by Dvein

Computers Watching Movies shows what a computational system sees when it watches the same films that we do. The work illustrates this vision as a series of temporal sketches, where the sketching process is presented in synchronized time with the audio from the original clip. Viewers are provoked to ask how computer vision differs from their own human vision, and what that difference reveals about our culturally-developed ways of looking. Why do we watch what we watch when we watch it? Will a system without our sense of narrative or historical patterns of vision watch the same things? Created by Benjamin Grosser

Click here for a larger view. Via Ilovecharts

An animated project by Kapie Eipak

A seismograph & the recording of the sound of the earth. A fascinating art project by Lotte Geeven

Fırat Doger is from Turkey and his makes wonderful collages! Go get inspired here

via retrogasm

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