A video remix journey through the history of sampling taking in some of the most noted breaks and riffs of the decades. A chronological journey from the Beatles’ use of the Mellotron in the 60s to the sample dense hiphop and dance music of the 80s and 90s. Each break is represented by a vibrating vinyl soundwave exploding into various tracks that sampled it, each re-use another chapter in the modern narrative. From eclectic method
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Dancing on the Feet – Embodied Dance Investigation with The Machine to Be Another
Choreography “Caracoleando en Espejo” by Victoria Martínez Alés y Cristina Roca.
Performance with the Machine to Be Another, presented at L’estruch on June/2013, that uses Virtual Reality em Embodiment experiments protocol to allow a physically challenged dancer to see herself dancing standing up. The project is part of a broader investigation on the use of ‘The Machine’ as a Low budget rehabilitation system. Yet another brilliant experiment from BeAnotherLab the guys behind gender swap
Anatomy of a …..
via neotorama
Magnificent Ruin
via thisinthappiness
Washed Ashore
A castaway finds himself washed ashore a beach at the foot of a towering city. His curiosity draws him into the urban expanse he finds before him. Whilst in the city he tries to get in touch with the society. However the characters he meets are strange, superficial and snippy, and after a series of unfortunate events he finds himself a castaway once more. Created by Jonas Ott
Tiny People Tribe
This is very cute! The film is based on Japanese folklore of the Ainu in northern Japan, which tells of a race of tiny people “Colobockle” who live amongst humans without being hardly noticed. Pojected animations by Motomichi Studio