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just phenomenal! Constructed from over 2000 photos and sing hyperlapse, timelapse and a simple horizontal mirror. Created by Rick Mereki

via bitrebels

King Krule directed by Jamie-Jamie Medina

Urban Dictionary  the Internet’s go-to source for defining slang terms! Via pleated jeans

Ski Flying With GoPro & Anders Jacobsen

The Key Moment is a micro shortfilm based on a true story and inspired by all those weird, miscommunication – lost in translation – wtf moments that emerge while pitching for a foreign client on a long distance conference call. All audio recordings used form part of a real telephone call conversation. Created by Ana Gale

CineFix presents Pulp Fiction retold via old-school 8-bit (and a little 16 bit 😉 game tech. My apologies for the youtube ads

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