Now you know! The above is based on 4 essential rules of effective logo design | Webdesigner Depot! via BorjaAV
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Holding On For Life
Yeap today is all about music! This one is from Broken Bells taken from the new album After The Disco’
Vance joy directed by Peter Wackel and Laura Gorun!
word on the street
via pinterest
Gender Swap – Experiment with The Machine to Be Another
Gender Swap is an experiment that uses system as a platform for embodiment experience (a neuroscience technique in which users can feell themselves like if they were in a different body). In order to create the brain ilusion they use the immersive Head Mounted Display Oculus Rift, and first-person cameras. To create this perception, both users have to syncronize their movements. If one does not correspond to the movement of the other, the embodiment experience does not work. It means that both users have to constantly agree on every movement they make. The aim of this experiment is to investigate issues like Gender Identity, Queer Theory, feminist technoscience, Intimacy and Mutual Respect! . Created by BeAnotherLab. Pls note that it contains nudity
anti-boredoom tips
via wasted rita
2014 Edelman Trust Barometer
The 2014 Edelman Trust Barometer is the firm’s 14th annual exploration of trust. A survey of 33,000 people (27,000 General Public and 6,000 Informed Public respondents) in 27 markets around the world