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A path of sighs through the emotions of life. A tribute to the art and her disarming beauty. Directed by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro

via precurn

via trahit.

Now you know!Keep it in your pocket via retrogasm

KARANYI feat. BIGJOHN WHITFIELD directed by Danila! I don’t know about the song… I mean it is very catchy but I don’t know yet whether I like it or not! I do love the video though! 100 Ways to Kill a Flower what is not to like 🙂

very very good! Slow Celebration directed by Rasmus Weng Karlsen.

Composer Johnnyrandom breaks new ground with musical compositions made exclusively from everyday objects. His debut single, “Bespoken”, explores the full potential of sounds generated from bicycles and their components, transcending the role of traditional instrumentation as the accepted method for creating beautiful and thought-provoking music. The video above gives a glimpse into the creative process behind this unique composition.

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