The curious brain needs a rest so off to Italy for a long long weekend 🙂 Ciao ragazzi
What makes you happy??
What makes you happy? – shot on 5DMKII from Jon Rawlinson on Vimeo.
A short film about what makes people happy, shot & cut by Jon Rawlinson.
Stars (feat. Anneka) by Starkey from Ben Curzon on Vimeo.
Lovely music video for the single ‘Stars (Feat. Anneka)’ by Starkey.Directed by Ben Curzon.
8 Digital Trends That Will Change Everything
I do not know if those 8 trends will change everything ,only time will tell! However this is a very interesting presentation for you to read by Jeff Hilimire 🙂
Slow Motion Punches
slow motion punches from cody kern on Vimeo.
Punched at 1,000 frames per second, shot with phantom camera as the pedigree dogs ! I think this is more brilliant 🙂
Losers: Flush from Tom Werber on Vimeo.
Cool video for Losers directed and animated by Tom Werber, featuring the artwork of Dan Hillier.
Losers: Flush from Tom Werber on Vimeo.
Cool video for Losers directed and animated by Tom Werber, featuring the artwork of Dan Hillier.
Flush was originally published on The Curious Brain