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Deep88 feat The Huge from the album Collecting Dust! Video directed, produced and edited By Deep88

Totally unsafe but extra cool and absolutely stunning!! I only wish it had some song playing to it ๐Ÿ™ More info here

One minute animated excerpt from a live audio recording from a Seth Godin speech in New York City! You can hear the full speech here! Designed/Animated by Terry Rayment of Eskimo

This one just blew me away!! Times New Viking’s directed & Edited by Brandon Reichard and Pelham Johnston.Each frame printed from real video, then hand drawn, colored, or decorated and put back together.Nearly 3,000 individual frames, completed by around 40 artists!! So very cool

Awesome footage!! A stretched 05 Kawasaki ZX10 piloted by Nick “Apex” Brocha vs. a Corvette-Powered RX7 driven by Jim Guthrie in a high speed drifting battle. More info “>here

Escort plays their new groovy single, “Cocaine Blues” at Le Poisson Rouge. Someone pls make a video for this song!!Get the single free here ! And kids stay off drugs ..they are bad for you ๐Ÿ™‚

Awesome footage!! A stretched 05 Kawasaki ZX10 piloted by Nick โ€œApexโ€ Brocha vs. a Corvette-Powered RX7 driven by Jim Guthrie in a high speed drifting battle. More info โ€œ>here

Motorcycle vs. Car Drift Battle was originally published on The Curious Brain

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