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“We” is a visual essay on the state of being connected – a metaphorical study of interpersonal relationships and social constraints.  Directed by Martina Stiftinger & Rita Louro

Two workers send emails to each other in their office cubicle. Each e-mail is a physical cuboid creature that crawls across the desk to the receiving computer. This allows objects on the desk to interrupt messages and cause them to be corrupted in the real world, leading to some unintended office tension. Direction and animation by Michael Marczewski

Social psychologist Dannagal Young breaks down the link between our psychology and politics, showing how personality types largely fall into people who prioritize openness and flexibility (liberals) and those who prefer order and certainty (conservatives). Hear why both sets of traits are crucial to any society — and how our differences are being dangerously exploited to divide us. What if things weren’t that way?

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