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via thisisnthappiness

via socialmediagraphics

Volkswagen is on a roll!! After their hit with The force comes another wonderful piece of work! This time cutting-edge CGI creative goes entomological, creating a photo-real lush kingdom where the Black Beetle rules, runs, navigates and out performs all the other creatures!!

The lovely Small Black directed by Yoonha Park!! Great song and very cool video !

The whimsical, world of Converse created by nailgun

A video that showcases why guys love social media, especially around Valentines Day…well any Holiday for that matter. Enjoy! Produced by Erik Qualman (Socialnomics)! A big thanks to Jonathan for sending this one over 🙂

Typographer, graphic designer and businessman Erik Spiekermann has created timeless, influential and, yes, Meta-physical work over the past three decades.Listen to the design genius talk about new visual languages, design processes, the analogies of music and typography !!So very good

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