Wonderful song and video by Strange Billy The Saint & Bernadette Pike, a Bristol based group who writes songs together! Video by bd films! Cool stuff
Archive for
The Future of Privacy
As we turn our lives into information property, technology poses fundamental threats to privacy, anonymity and freedom as Salim Ismail argues
Class Of 2011: If Social Media Were a High School
via flowtown
Beat And The Pulse
Austra’s new song is full of beat and pulse if you are into electro you are so going to love it! Directed by Claire Edmondson! Listen at full blast ๐
Happy #%!*ing Valentine’s day
A slightly angrier set of Valentines than what you would find at your local Walgreen
Cow vs Ozzy
Excellent !! A short fake commercial for Ozzy Osbourne’s new book “I am Ozzy” created by OlofStorm for a Hyper Island school project!!! Big thumbs up
Oedipus …starring vegetables
hahahaha ..this is just brilliant! The story of Oedipus, in 8 minutes, performed by vegetables, in the tradition of Ben Hur. A sword and salad epic, in classic CinemaScope. Featuring a Potato, a Tomato, Broccoli, Garlic, and Billy Dee Williams as the Bartender. Created by Jason Wishnow more info about this here